GPT Impostor for Discord

Impersonate your friends on Discord using the latest research in AI and machine learning.

Originally developed during BigRed//Hacks @ Cornell.

 See Features  Add to Discord


Easy to Use

Simply run one command to automatically have an AI write a message that sounds just like your friends.

Powerful AI

Messages are written by a state-of-the-art machine learning model. The bot learns how people in your server communicate so it can accurately mimic them.


The bot is completely open-source. Anyone can read the source code or suggest improvements. Check out the code on GitHub.


/sus: Send a message as a user

Uses AI to send a message that appears as if it was sent by the specified user.

/monologue: Generate an entire conversation

Continues a conversation by sending 15+ messages from users who the AI thinks would have sent a message.

Ping Mode (/adduser, /deluser, /list)

Set the bot to automatically respond when a specified user is pinged.


The idea and first version of GPT Impostor for Discord were created at the BigRed//Hacks hackathon at Cornell University by Hayden HousenRyan TremblayCarlton Cassedy, and Yusef Rahimzada. Hayden created this website and rewrote the bot from scratch to create the current version.